Saturday, March 13, 2010

Out and about

Well, I got up this morning and got my 6 mile run in!!! Yeah!!! Who knew you could burn 1,000 calories in one workout?!? Definitely not me :) After running I had so much energy that I wanted to try and get some errands done today. Sounds like an easy task, but I've actually never tried to go anywhere with two little ones! Ayden had been sick and couldn't be around lots of people for so long, that every time the boys were over I would literally not go anywhere! So... today was the day. Loaded up Ayden and Avery and headed out to Target. They are such good kids, they were perfect :) Only problem, how do you shop when you have two kids who need to ride in the cart??? Couldn't figure out how to do it on my own, had to call in back up.. Ita :) I don't know how you guys do this??? Here are a couple of pics from our little outing.

1 comment:

  1. Glad yall were able to get out! I bet Ayden was loving it! I usually put one in the big part of the basket and one in the seat and the don't buy a lot! Lol. Love you all!
